10 April 2007

Other ways of making cash from the web

If you have been following our posts from the start you should by now have a good understanding of how Adsense works and its role in earning you income for your internet activities.
Before we get on to some more detailed issues about the best ways to generate income from Adsense though I thought it would be useful to remind ourselves that there are of course other ways to earn income not only from advertising but from other internet money making ventures as well. I am not going to go into great detail about these at this stage. I just want to outline a few of these approaches and some aspects of them.

Adult sites and Adult affiliates
It's true that sex sells, and when it comes to the internet it probably outsells all other actvities put together. If you are not put of by the thought of making your money in this way then there are various ways that you can get into the Adult market.

First you can sign up as an affiliate with an existing company. Some companies sell a full set up and go package including the web hosting and content for your site. You wont get this cheap or for nothing of course. You'll also need to remember that the bigger the market and the more money in that market the more existing competition there will be. You will need to expend energies and money promoting your site. With so many Adult sites already set up it can be difficult to find a market niche that's not already full. Anyone for sex with anteaters?

A simpler route if you have a site is to sign up for affiliate advertising. This way you will be taking adverts and promoting specific adult oriented sites and you may get either a click fee or a percentage of join up and on going fees when people sign up on sites.

Other pay per click advertising
There are other general pay per click schemes out there other than Adsense. Some of them may well be worth checking out. I haven't used any of these for a while so if you find a good one - let me know!

Affiliate programmes
These are a bit more specific usually than general pay per click schemes and may link you to a particular market niche or company or website. There's no reason you have to only sign up with one!

Completing surveys
There are sites were you can sign up and get paid for completing surveys.

There are arbitrage schemes out there and in a future post I'll tell you a bit more about these.

Trading Online

There are various ways of trading online .
One of the potentially most lucrative is FOREX trading. This is trading in Foreign currency. This is a huge and very profitable markets but there can also be risks so this is only suitable for using your risk capital ( money you can afford to lose if currency movements do not move favourably for you). You can learn more about this at Income from Forex where there is information about trading in this market with as little as $25 starting capital.

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